I have meant to post this for quite a while. Rich brought home a couple of these bottles (they are about the size of a peanut butter jar...) from work in November. Lockheed Martin handed them out to employees.... I laughed and laughed at the front of the container, then laughed even more as I read the rest of the info on the label. This is an ice melt product called "Duck Droppings", Stop, Drop, So You Don't Flop! Here is what the label has to say....
READ BEFORE USE: So, what is "walking like a duck"? It's simple. Employees should bend slightly at the knees, walk flat-footed with the center of gravity directly over feet and take short steps or shuffle for stability. No waddling is required. In addition, walking in designated, cleared paths and wearing proper, treaded footwear will help ensure that employees stay safe on the way to their destination. Facilities and the ESH Awareness Team encourages everyone to keep a lighthearted attitude about the initiative, but remember the goal of the program... making sure that employees don't slip or fall and injure themselves outside this winter.
Stay Safe....Target Zero. "Quacks" and safety suggestions can be sent to the ESH group at ...
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Facilities department and the Environmental Safety & Health (ESH) Awareness Team is trying to bring a higher level of awareness to protect employees and stop needless injuries. The team's "Walk Like A Duck" campaign is a fun, lighthearted way to get people thinking about what to do when they encounter slippery surfaces outside. All kidding aside... falls outside on slippery sidewalks and parking lots are a serious issue and have resulted in some significant injuries to Eagan employees in the past, independent of job title or salary grade. Everyone is susceptible to the harsh winter conditions.
The Stop, Drop, So You Don't Flop campaign offers employees a new tool in addition to regular plowing - salt shakers - that employees can pick up and keep with them as necessary when walking between cars or on sidewalks - anywhere, anytime. Two barrels of shakers will be placed at each of the North and South employee entrances. Pick one up at either entrance, use the shaker until the contents is gone, then bring it back, place it in the empty bin and grab another one.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Sprinkle the ice melter on ice and snow at the rate of 1.0-4.5 lbs per 540 ft(squared), depending on the amount of snow and ice present. When applied during the early stages of a snow storm, this ice melter makes snow removal much easier.
And then there are the CAUTIONS which I won't list here because we all know what those will say -- don't eat it, don't put it in your eyes, don't use it around food, may irritate skin, etc, etc...
The kids have had fun making Rich practice walking like a duck and asking him if you used his Duck Droppings today. Then Rich and I get to laugh as we watch them practice... I should film that....